Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nanotech Malaysia 2009 semakin hampir, 27 - 29 Okt 2009, KL Convention Centre(KLCC)

Nanotech Malaysia adalah satu aktiviti yang digerakkan oleh Nanotechnology Task Force Committee di Akademi Sains bermula pada tahun 2007. Pada tahun tersebut Malaysia telah menjadi tuan rumah Asia Nano Forum Summit (ANF) yang dianggotai oleh kebanyakan negara-negara Asia.

ASM Nanotechnology Task Force Committee

Nanotech Malaysia 2007 dibiaya oleh MOSTI. Semasa Nanotech Malaysia 2007, suatu mesyurat penubuhan persatuan nanoteknologi Malaysia telah diadakan. Persatuan tersebut di namakan “Malaysia Nanotechnology Association (MNA)”. Dengan tertubuhnya MNA, maka ASM telah menyerahkan penganjuran nanotech untuk tahun berikutnya oleh MNA. Maka pada awal tahun 2009 saya selaku pengerusi MNA telah memanggil AJK MNA dan wakil UKM bermesyuarat untuk menganjurkan Nanotech Malaysia 2009. Nanotech terdiri dari beberapa aktiviti utama iaitu, Conference, Exhibition, Forum, dan sebagainya. Oleh sebab MNA adalah suatu persatuan yang baru dan tiada sumber kewangan sendiri maka penganjuran dibuat secra bersama dengan UKM melalui IMEN. Tetapi pihak Task Force Commiittee Akademi Sains mahukan penganjuran dibuat sama seperti 2007, iaitu Nanotech di bawah ASM dan bukanya di bawah MNA, maka saya hanya mempengerusikan Conference sahaja dan tidak Nanotech Malaysia 2009 keseluruhanya walaupun segalanya sudah diatur mengikut apa yang difaham oleh kebanyakan AJK. Oleh itu kerja saya menjadi lebih mudah, hanya menumpukan kepada conference.
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre telah dipilih sebagai vanue Nanotech untuk semua aktiviti. Kali ini tiada sponsorship dari MOSTI mahupun KPT. Oleh itu segalanya dari yuran peserta dan dana penyelidikan IMEN, UKM. Walau pun begitu kita telah dapat menarik lebih 152 penyertaan dari Malaysia, Iran, Perancis, Thailand, Korea dan sebagainya. Penyertaan dari UKM sendiri dalah yang terbanyak iaitu melebihi 62 kertas kerja.

Plenary Speaker: 27 October 2009
Prof. Dr. Peter Laggner: is a professor at the Technical University Graz. He was the co-founder and director of Hecus X-ray Systems GmbH, Graz and the project leader for Austrian SAXS beamline at ELETTRA, Trieste, Italy. In 1983, he was the director at the Institute of Biophysics and X-ray Structure Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz. He is actively involves in numerous professional societies concerning his interest research area. He was the chairman for the assembly of directors, Austrian Academy of sciences from 2004 to 2008.
Prof. Dr. Hisham Abdel Aal: is a mechanical engineer with a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC, USA. He is an expert in Tribology. Prof. Hisham has been acting as board member and guest editor for various scientific journals and as scientific committee member in international conferences. He has recently developed interest for bioinspired technology and biotribology as well as design in Nature.
Prof. Dr. Ille C. Gebeshuber: is expert in Nanotechnology and Biomimetics. Since 2009 she has been Contract Professor at the Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics(IMEN), UKM. Her research interests comprise Biomimeticsof Nanostructures, Nanomedicine and Tribology. Central aspects of her European funded BioScreen Project is the analysis of the rich biodiversity in pristine rainforests in South East Asia concerning its biomimetic inspirational potential for technological applications and to install cooperations between institutions in the European Union with local institutions.

Plenary speaker 28 October 2009,
Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Muhammad Yahaya: is a principal research fellow at the Institute of Microengineering and Nanelectronics (IMEN) and has been the President of Malaysian Solid State Science and Technology Society since 1991. He also was chairman of a committeeundertaking the feasibility study on the establishment of a materials science programme at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. His research interests include solid ionics, radiation sensor, molecular engineering in electronics materials and organic light emitting diode.
Dr. Andre Gazso: André Gazsó studied Medicine, Biology (MSc. in 1992) and Philosophy (MA. in 1994
and PhD. in 1996). Since October 2007 he is senior researcher for safety and risks of nanotechnologies at the Institute of Risk Ass
essment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Since 2002 member of the NoE "Trustnet2" and its successor "Trustnet-in-Action", a European network for risk management and risk governance. Since 2003 AG member, from 2006 to 2008 vice chair of the National Standards Committee on "Risk and crisis management" at the Austrian Standards Institute. He holds several teaching positions on risk assessment and risk governance at the University of Vienna and the University of Applied Sciences Vienna (FH-Campus Wien).
Prof. Dr. Myrtill Simko: Prof. Dr. Myrtill Simkó is currently performing risk assessment of nano-materials at the Institute of Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, Austria, and is also Professor in Cell Biology at the University of Rostock, Germany. She has received awards and grants from DAAD, the European Commission, BMBF, BMU, BfS etc. She was a full member of The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and is a full member of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), where she has also served as the Board of Directors. Prof. Simkó is furthermore serving on the Editorial Board of The Open Electrochemistry Journal and she is an adhoc reviewer for 10-15 Journals. Furthermore she is a recognised scientific expert for the European Commission, at the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR, DG SANCO).

Plenary speaker 29 October 2009,
Dr. Sow Chorng Haur: is now an Associate Professor with the Department of Physics. He has authored and co-authored many papers in the field of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials. His research interests are Colloid Interactions, Assembly and Phase Transitions such as Nanospheres Lithography, Invented Mirror-Image method for tracking 3D motion of suspended sub-micron particles, developed single and multiple trap optical tweezers using focused laser beams, discovered spinning colloidal cluster in the presence of a focused laser beam and he also interested in the studies of Carbon Nanotubes in developing a laser pruning method to create unique 2D and 3D structure made of carbon nanotubes, study of Optical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes.
Dr. Lerwen Liu: is an Asia-based nanotechnology expert specializing in government and corporate strategic services to policy makers and corporate executives. She also specializes in business development and project management for leading nanotechnology companies in their global expansion of R&D, commercialization and market. She is the director and founder of NanoGlobe, a consulting company specializes in micro and nanotechnology strategy, business development and incubation in Asia. Dr Liu has a PhD in physics specializing in manybody effects and transports in semiconductor nanostructures, and has conducted research work in Australia, Japan, USA and Italy. Dr Liu is an Australian citizen and currently based in Singapore.
Prof. Dr. Fidel Castro Diaz Balart: is one of Cuba's leading technocrats. He is adviser to Cuba's ruling Council of State on science and technology and has had a role in the strides made by the socialist country in S&T. He received his Ph.D. in fusion physics at the Kurchatov Institute, Moscow. From 1979 to 1992, he served as head of Cuba's Atomic Energy Commission and one of the authors and executors of Cuba’s nuclear program. He is engaged in programmes to modernise the scientific, echnological and industrial management of Cuba. Prof. Diaz-Balart is a member of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. He has published numerous scientific papers in Cuba, Spain and Russia.

Selain dari itu, terdapat juga pameran yang mempamir aktiviti penyelidikan di universiti tempatan dan syarikat yang terlibat dengan nanoteknologi. Pameran Nanotech di uruskan oleh Globalevent Sdn Bhd.

Pada asalnya kita juga bercadang untuk mengadakan program yang melibatkan pelajar pintar di mana UKM mrenjadi peneraju di bawah Fakulti Pendidikan. Program permata pintar adalah projek yang diberi perhatian langsung oleh Datin Paduka Rosmah Mansor, isteri kepada Perdana Menteri. Tetapi pihak Task Force di ASM tidak melihatnya mempunyai kaitan dengan nanoteknologi maka cadangan tersebut tidak diteruskan. Tetapi bagi saya ia merupakan kesilapan.

Forum juga diadakan pada 28 Oktober mulai 2.00 petang, dan dianjurkan oleh MIMOS, ASM dan QTT.

Ahli panelnya adalah,
1. Dr Muntak Son, QT Tech, Singapore
2. Prof Dr Andre Gaszo, Austrian Academy of Sciences
3. Prof Dr Edward Chang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
4. Prof Dr Shamim Ahmad, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi

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